Saturday, April 5, 2008

Copying Kaylee....100 things!

100 Things

1. My name is Morgan Elizabeth Gilbert
2. I am named after my great grandma, Elizabeth- it means "Consecrated to God"
3. One of my daughters will have Elizabeth as her middle name
4. I currently live in Woodinville WA
5. I have been to New Jersey over 18 times
6. I LOVE the beach...if I wasn't so connected where I am there would be nothing keeping me from living there permanently
7. I am a definite city girl...wide open spaces intimidate me, except the beach of course :)
8. I like summer best but I like winter during Red Cup season though at the Bucks
9. I work at Starbucks
10. I have a huge issue when it comes to receiving things from people...I like blessing people more :)
11. I have a lot of awesome friends but a few GREAT friends!
12. I love ministering to youth...especially girls and would waste my life to see freedom in others
13. I am a youth leader in my youth group
14. I love painting! Especially prophetic painting.
15. I love to doodle...Everything I have is doodled on in some way or another
16. I love kids favorite is The Princess and the Kiss
17. I love Jesus!
18. I go to Red Robins at least once a week....because burgers, fries and milkshakes are my favorite food
19. I love one on one time with people...big groups make me nervous
20. I love hot brownies and vanilla ice cream
21. I am addicted to team sports
22. I played soccer for four years, basketball for three and I LOVE volleyball
23. I don't like excercising...except for when I am playing a sport
24. I was a lifeguard for three years
25. I love washing cars in the summer
26. I hate cleaning
27. I love wearing casual clothes...i dress like i want to be on the beach
28. Flip flops are the best thing ever invented
29. I like to dress up...but only for really special occasions
30. I have blue/gray/green eyes- they change depending on what I am wearing
31. I have blonde hair...but yes it is fake. My natural color is brown
32. I am 5' 6" - I don't like wearing high heels because I feel to tall
33. I love going on long drives
34. I almost got hit by a train for my first accident
35. I have been to Italy and I fell into a canal in Venice
36. I will own my own coffee shop one day
37. I love acoustic music
38. I like cheesy movies...
39. I have to sleep with noise and a night light...but I am not scared of the dark
40. I do not sleep well at night so I usually sleep until 10
41. When I was little I used to want to be an artist or a motorcyclye repairman
42. Now I just want to be an artist
43. I love to read fiction...Ted Dekker is my favorite. I have read Blessed Child like 20 times
44. I don't like to show emotion in real life...but I cry in almost every sad part in most movies
45. I am a very visual person
46. I like hugs
47. I love 24, LOST, Heroes, Hannah Montana and Extreme Makeover
48. My ideal night is a few of my best girl friends, a couch, ice cream and a good movie [kaylee...i could use you not to be in ND anymore for this :)]
49. I went to Christ Church Academy and I went from K - 12 with basically the same 10 people...and I love them
50. I was a student in the Masters Commission from 2005-2006
51. I was an extern in the Masters Commission from 2006-2007
52. I LOVE the Masters Commission
53. I have to have a snack before I go to bed
54. When I was seven I stole a pack of gum from every big convenient store
55. I want a tatoo but I will probably never have one
56. Most of my closest friends live in different states
57. I love rainy Sundays
58. I am the only girl out of five kids
59. I am my grandpas favorite as I was his first grandkid and his only grandaughter
60. I hate homework
61. I bite my fingernails but I really want to stop
62. Fiction, art and movies speak to my spirit more than a self-help book or a good message
63. I want to paint a picture that can change the world
64. I want to teach other people to believe they could paint a picture that can change the world
65. I love ministering to hearts
66. I love seeing miracles
65. I like to dance in awkward situations
66. I like to sing but it does not sound good
67. I like listening to Hawk Nelson when its sunny outside
68. I love finding awesome coffee shops
69. I love downtown Kirkland
70. When I was a kid I was a "tomboy"
71. I could make a fort better than all of the boys in my neighborhood
72. We all got pocket knives when we turned ten
73.I like to talk in weird voices
74. I hate cooking...I have burned water
75. I don't like vegetables
76. But I love Brussel Sprouts
77. If I don't talk to my mom everyday I feel icky
78. I like putting sour patch kids in buttery popcorn
79. I love movies
80. I have lots of nicknames: Morgue, Morgy, Mo, Mo-G, Lizzie, Liz, Morgs, Shmorgesborg, Smores, Rev, Sissy...and I answer to more than just that
81. I like staring into nothingness
82. Sometimes I pretend I am CIA
83. I am a very independent person and if I don't have more than an hour to myself everyday i kinda freak out
84. I need coffee everyday
85. I have to eat small quantities of food abot ever hour or I get really sick
86. SOmetimes I can't tell the difference between blue and black
87. I love randomness
88. I want to play the guitar
89. I want to love and be loved
90. I love flying but I am afraid of heights
91. I would rather a million people walk all over me than one person walk all over you
92. I am scared to give my heart away but when I do its for real
93. I want to spoil all my friends kids
94. I never want my kids to know when I have a hard day
95. I love my brothers and often wonder what it would be like to have a sister
96. I like to see people smile
97. I want to get married on a beach...but will settle for having a reception there
98. I love America and would rather go to New Jersey on the beach than anywhere in Europe
99. I want to leave an impact on this world
100. I want to do the will of God in my generation


Kaylee said...

I LOVE IT!!!! See, I told you that you could do it! Ah! I could read it over and over again. I love you so much and can't WAIT to come over and watch movies with you. You're my girl for life!

Anonymous said...

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Katrina Hope said...

that was fun to read Morg!

(you got one of those creepy webcam comments too! I got one like a month ago- kinda scary feeling! I think they are just automated..)