Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Testimony of the Week

So God has really been speaking to me lately about stepping out and taking risks and really just being obedient to His voice. But He has also showing me that sometimes He'll make it really easy to hear His voice and take that risk. Here's a pretty cool story from this week:

Friday morning I was driving to work, texting a good friend of mine about all that God was doing in my life and just releasing life and love and joy over her life [you gotta love those drive by text messages], and as I pulled into the parking garage one of my Co-workers called me. When I picked up the phone she asked if I could turn around and drive back down to the entrance of my job to pick up a lady who seemed to just have experienced a heart attack. My immediate reaction was "well, shouldn't you call an ambulance??" But apparently, she refused to be picked up by one and so they offered my services to take her. SO I drove down and they waddled her out to my car [her name was Carol and she is actually a regular at my store]. So as I was driving her to the hospital I was praying to myself and listening to my fave worship mix in the background when I realized "Um, HELLO MORGAN!!! Diving encounter for healing just sat itself in the passenger seat of your car." So thats when I decided to build up my courage and just straight up ask if I could pray out loud the entire way to the hospital. I mean, it was my car I could do what I wanted, and in the state she was in, I didn't forsee her jumping out of the car in utter haste to get away. Well, after I asked her if I could pray she informed that she was a Chrisitian and that she would love nothing more than my prayers. So I began praying for healing, and I don't think she was used to my kind of prayers...but they worked. She started crying again but this time it was peace and joy and hope and you could feel the tension just lift out of the car. So I prayed and "Healer" was playing in the background and finally we pulled into the ER. I go in, holding her stuff and waiting with her as she gets checked in. Now this lady has a had a rough couple of years. Her husband and her dad all died last year within a month of eachother and last June her brother experienced massive heart attacks that left him basically paralised and incapable of functioning properly. SO she really had no one. SO I sat in the ER room with her for two hours while they did tests trying to figure out what was wrong. Finally, I had to go back to work so I left, wondering what the results would say. This morning, I ran into Carol. She strode right into my work as chipper as can be and PERFECTLY fine. She said that the doctors told her that she did indeed have a heart attach but they couldn't explain that why, now, her body was functioning as if it was 20 years younger than it was. She is now TOO healthy!!! COME ON JESUS!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY believe it was because of that divine oppurtunity and those moments in my car praying and seeking the Lord for healing, that she was healed. It jsut goes to show that sometimes, God wants to do something in someone's life so bad, that He'll just sit em down right next to ya until you have no choice but to release the presence of God into their life!!!


Katrina Hope said...

WOW Morgan!! WOW! This is awesome, I like hearing the details of the "I drove Carol to the ER story." This is so incredible! Glad to have joined the "We're taking over Car Poi troop" ;)
AND by the way, we ARE taking over Car Poi! Love ya!

Katrina Hope said...

(did you like that I abbrev, I did it just for you)

Anonymous said...

wow! that is such an amazing testimony. God is SO good!
~morgan marie