Saturday, January 26, 2008

God healed my truck...!!

So this is my truck...

I love my truck. We generally have a really good relationship. Sometimes he gets angry because I don't give him enough gas or I wait too long to get his oil changed. Or sometimes I leave my work clothes and he begins to smell like old coffee. But for the most part, he is a pretty good truck and we get along. Well, today he decided to be a butt. My drivers side window all of the sudden wouldn't roll up. At first I thought it was frozen because the weather has been uncharacteristically cold but upon further thought I realized it was the motor. The motor was dying. Well, it just so happens that Firestorm has been with us. [Which I will definitely write more on after the phenomenal weekend] They have been teaching us about beleiving for the supernatural and having authority over sickness and death. And let me tell you, we have seen some amazing things these past few days. But one thing that I have been seeing is how real and how much God cares about even the little things in our lives. And so this is a story about God caring for my little things...

I parked at the church after a long day at work and it began to rain. My window was about 1/4 inch down at this point and I didn't really think it was a big deal. So I went inside and just let it rain. Well, later that night, before the meeting, I took an MC to the Wendy's drive-thru. I had forgotten about the fact that my window wouldn't roll down. So as I went to order I proceeded to roll my window half way down until it dawned on me "Crap I won't be able to put it back up". And sure enough, no matter how hard I pushed the button, it wouldn't roll up. So I got my food, went back to the church and pronounced window had won the battle. But it wouldn't win the war! I went inside and completely forgot about my outside situation. I worshiped and laughed and did the whole crazy for Jesus thing. At about 10.15 I decided to leave, and as I left I remembered...the window. So I quickly gathered up a few faithful MC boys and thought that they might be able to fix my window least use their big boy muscles and push my window closed. Somehow in the process of them trying to roll my window up it had completely rolled down. That was not good. By this point, we had a good crowd of MC carpools gathered around us and so I informed them all to pray fervently and unceasingly so that I wouldn't have to drive home wet and cold. Selfish yes, but still a need. So we prayed. We prayed in tongues, we commanded healing, we ushered in His presence and slowly but surely my window crept kept creeping and creeping, we kept praying and praying, and by the time we finished saying our last "Shabba" my window had rolled completely back up!!! We screamed and ran around the parking lot because God is faithful in ALL things. He cares about me so much that He made it so I didn't have to drive home in the cold and in the rain. He is such a faithful faithful God. If we learn to believe Him for absolutely every situation in our life then I truly believe that nothing will ever be able to stop us...even if it is as silly as a truck window. He is faithful!!


PS. More on Firestorm weekend to come....


Katrina Hope said...

hahaha--- we should look for another opportunity to cast demons out of broken headlights! I think our faith has grown!!! Furthermore, another night with aime at a McDonalds parking lot, shouting in tongues at the car would be well worth the time!

Morgan said...

ah yes...i was just telling some MCs that story the other day...good times good times