Today is the first day of 2008 and I felt like it would only be appropriate for me to go back into 2007 and remember the good times and the God times that I have had. SO this blog is more of a place for me to remember...and maybe for you to enjoy :)
January 01, 2007 found me four months into my Extern year at Christ Church Kirkland. January 9th and 10th marked the departure dates of the ten other externs who would be leaving for michigan and santa rosa. I remember those days vividly because they were some of the saddest/happiest days i experienced this year. There were three different teams, but we were all unified. Every morning we would meet in the small classroom now Roni and Kelseys office to pray and start our day. New Years Eve last year we all ushered in the new year with all night worship. It was a milestone marking a new beginning for all of us. But the two other teams left and we found ourselves alone as the CCK Extern team. Our team was diverse: Bryan as leader, Emily as co-leader, Abbey Williams, Evan Roslan, Chris Wygant, Crystal Coombs and myself. We had our fair share of struggles just in relating with one another, but for the most part we were able to rise above our differences and accomplish the will of the Lord for our lives. We started an outreach class in the school, we would clean local churches, we were "volunteers of the month" for six straight months at the Kirkland Teen Center among many other things. I got to be "art director" at the Kirkland Teen Center that year. Everything having to do with art, they would always run by me. My favorite project was a giant wall calender that I painted. It is still
Also during the year we truly began stepping into prophetic painting. This played a major major role in my life. Never before had I been able to so feel the presence of the Lord doing something I absolutely loved to do, and the best thing was that it blessed other people. I am 100% sure that prophetic painting has opened up doors in my life, and thrust me into situations that I never could have dreamed of in a million years. I am so excited to see where the Lord is going to take me in this year of new beginnings and His dominion in the realm of painting and art. Creativity is going to be released in a huge wave over us during this new year. I pray that I get drowned in that wave when it comes in. I'll dance in that rain!
Another event that has changed my life is Revival Culture Prayer every Saturday night. There is nothing like fellowshiping with other radicals, other people who want to set the world on fire. It usually consists of crazy worship, most people end up drunk on the floor or facedown in reverence, prophesying, intercessory prayer, painting, poetry, and crazy LOVE FOR JESUS. We also have a pretty fun time. A few weeks ago we got to do a hot chocolate outreach- a lot of people were scared of us...more were just angry that we wouldn't put some Baileys in our hot chocolate. All we could say was "Maybe next time???" We have seen radical healings and have experienced
broken lives changed. A lot is going to happen in this prayer group this year. Keep your eye on it, watch it explode. We have big plans, crazy dreamers and a God to whom nothing is impossible! PAR-T!
I was also blessed to go on a second MC tour. Let me tell you there are not many things funner than loading up 40 crazy kids and a couple fearless leaders into four white vans and heading across the country to deliver Jesus. I only got to go on the second part of the tour but I took what I could! We made our first stop Albequerque New Mexico and stayed with Pastor Gerlad Martinez. [interesting note about their family: they are one of five families who might be picked for Exterme Makeover Home Edition- PRAY] I got to stay at their "compound" and hang out with ther awesome daughters Maggie Jean and Bethany. They were eleven and twelve. If anyone knows me, you know I have a huge heart for
young girls. One girl, named Thea, opened up to me that trip. At first she was hard, defensive, and I almost didn't like her! But as time went on, I could tell that she was hurting. At the last ministy time I was sitting on a chair just praying for her from a distance, and after a battle I coudl tell was going on in her mind, she came up to me. She immediately started crying and I just hugged her. She looked at me and said, "Morgan, my daddy left me and I don't know if he's coming back and I just want to give up". It broke my heart into a million peices but I ministered to her and jus
t loved on her...she left with a new hope. We both cried when I got back into the vans to head to Oklahoma, but I will never forget that little red headed girl...I will never forget other girls in her place.
Oklahoma was also great because we got to launch a new MC over there. It is the first masters commission that four churches came together to build. Its so awesome to see such unity. The picture on the left shows us doing our opener "African Freestyle" at an outdoor park. I got to give my testimony here and it was just amazing. Thats what we call "flying". That was a really fun dance to learn. Also one of the only ones I was in. I did get to write and direct "Can I Live" a song by Nick Cannon about abortion. It was powerful and wish we could have done it for more people. I also wrote and directed "Sound of Our Genereation" which we performed at family camp. In Oklahoma we did the most park ministries. I painted thousands of kids faces. The hand design on the right was a popular favorite amongst most kids. It was time consuming so I finally had to teach about 5 other MCs how to do it because thats all the kids wanted. What can I say, we're just c
ool like that! :)We then found ourselves in Michigan which was one of my favorite stops. Ministry there was the was our last stop and I think God saved the best for last. Plus we got to see the extern's whom we hadn't seen in five months! It was a happy slappy reunion. We got the opportunity to do a life siege there: We went to the capitol one day and it just poured down rain. I haven't seen it rain like that even in Seattle. There was thunder and lightning and winds up to 30 mph. That didn't stop us. We felt like the rain was a symbol of God's tears for His lost children. So we stood in the rain, we kneeled in puddles, we laid down on the wet cement. There was not a dry body or a dry eye for that matter. Our life tape was falling of our mouths becuase it was so wet- but our cries were heard. People stared, people prayed and people were changed. As soon as we ended, as soon as we finished praying, as soon as we ripped off our life tape, the sun came out- ther
e was a rainbow, an the most random event of all: a bride walked through the capitol building, alone and in her dress. It was the most powerful symbolism I have ever seen. I will never forget that day. That night we ministered to the church. The way we ministered is that we would get a word of knowldege and give it to the audience, someone would come up and we would pray. Well I had a word of knowledge that there were people who wanted to receive the gift of speaking in tongues. About five people came up: a married couple, a single adult, and two kids. We prayed for the adults, they received their prayer language. We prayed for the teenager, Nate Vasquez put his hand on his sternum and immediately the kid looked up and said "what did you jsut do?" Nate hadn't done anyhting and to our amazement the kid had broken his sternum when he was two and it had never healed, when Nate put his hand on his sternum...the boy was immediately healed! Then there was another boy named Scottie, about 14. Scottie seemed to be shy and was not receiving his prayer language. I grabbed Joel and we went to pray for Scottie. After praying for him I asked him "Scottie, what is the one desire of your heart." He looked at us and slowly, after thinking, responded "I just want to feel Him and know He is there" Me and Joel both looked at eachother, touched and our heart longing for the Lord to touch this boy. We prayed and prayed and after some more praying Scottie was slain in the spirit, shaking violently on the floor and sobbing. Neither of us were expecting this but as Scottie was down and inchoerent me and Joel began breaking of demonic strongholds and Scottie would just cry harder. Finally we began speaking life. We spoke over his voice...that he was a man with something to say and words to speak. That he would move nations with his words. When we said those things he started laughing uncontrolably. After more time on the floor he finally stood up. He hugged all of us and immediately turned to everyone smiling "I FELT HIM I FELT HIM." His discipler later came up to us and told us the Scottie has a speech impetement and is afraid to talk. But that night Scottie's speech impetement was broken and He felt the Lord. I will never ever forget that night.
Tour was priceless. I wouldn't trade those memories for the world. I went to Disneyland for the first time and I got to go with Pastor Kevin. That trip is going to be a hard one to pass up. Then there was that time Amanda Cradduck dropped CC2 keys in the toilet and I had to rescue them. She is eternally thankful. Then there is the always fun and special moments where someone almost pees their pants because Pastor Kevin won't stop for another two hours. And then the "pee cd" comes on and you hear over all the CB'S "Time...Time...Is ticking by...and I...can explosion inside!" Then there is worship in the vans, your lucky if you get the van that has a cd player loud enough to rise above people with unpleasant voices such as myself. Or there's "van counts please.....[silence]...CC2 VAN COUNTS! People we have done this a million times!" Its always funny...unless your in CC2. It was a once in a lifetime experience..and I got to do it twice!
Well...before this turns into a novel I will end. I graduated a phenomenal externs year at family camp when they announced the courtship of Elise Sandstrom and Jeff Mitchell. We are all looking forward to that wedding in a few months! And after that it was so long Academy, so long MCs I am off to college! I have been at BCC and its been a struggle, I must admit but its also been a blessing. I got a job at the empire of Starbucks and I get free coffee all day long! You can't go wrong with free coffee. I am eagerly anticipating this next quarter of school because I don't know what God has for me but I trust and I KNOW that He is good and His promises are yes and amen.
I thank God for His hand in my life this past year. He has not once left me or let me fall. He is faithful, good and true. He has blessed me with people in my life who I would not trade for the entire world. He has blessed me with friends who are closer than any sisters and who I can fight this battle called life along side of...and win! I am grateful for where I am in life...and though at times it seems hard, it seems rough, it seems like I just want to give up...its in those times where I stand and decide that He is worth it all. He IS worth it all. And I keep saying it and saying it until I believe it because its true and it is for such a hope that I live. 2008 was announced as the Year of His DOminion and New Beginnings. Its going to be a year to cut off all ties with the old and cling to the new. Its a year to run hard after Him...and that is my new year resolution. I am going to run after Him like I have never run after Him before. You are all welcome to join me because nothing is worse in battle then fighting alone.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
2007- A Little Review of the Highlights
Posted by Morgan at 6:25 PM
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wow morgan, that is very cool. :)
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